Study MBBS in Uzbekistan
Tashkent State Medical Institute (1931-1990)
- In 1931, the medical faculty was renamed into a medical institute. In 1931, the first director was GP Fedorov, who was now dean of the medical faculty, and at the end of this year was appointed director of the Institute HU Umarov.
- In 1932, the institute had 177 teachers, 25 of them professors, 26 assistant professors, 104 assistants and 1099 students.
- In 1935 the Tashkent Medical Institute was known as the Central Asian Medical Institute. In 1937, 1,400 students studied at the institute.
- Tashkent State Medical Institute trained 2,122 physicians out of them 1,630 were sent to foreign countries.
- In 1960-1967, the evening department of the medical faculty was opened.
- In 1961, the institute had 4,000 students, of whom 2,395 were indigenous women.
- In 1972, more than 10 thousand students were engaged in the 2nd medical, pediatric, sanitary-hygienic, and dental faculties and 1,500 enrolled for 1 course.
In 1961 in Tashkent State Medical Institute there were 22 students from foreign countries, in 1980 their number exceeds 170. - By the end of 1980, the institute had 1,042 faculty members, including 6 academicians, 24 Uzbek doctors, 90 doctors of medical sciences, professors, 207 candidates of medical sciences, associate professors, students.First and Second
Faculty of Medicine, Turkestan State University (1919-1931)
April 13, 1919, it was decided to open a medical faculty of Turkestan State University. September 17, 1919, the opening of the first Turkestan State University, September 7, 1920, a decree was established to create a university. The Faculty of Medicine was part of the University. Since 1921, doctors have started to prepare.
1919-1921 The material and technical base of the faculty was created. In 1923, the medical faculty had 973 students, most of them (425) were women.
Tashkent Medical Academy